The play sector includes a wide range of occupations which benefit from our training and upskilling approach. Regardless of your investment, Play Aotearoa can assist you in finding the appropriate learning path.
We provide a wide range of courses and programmes delivered through our online learning portal. Each collection of courses is hand-picked and grounded in academic research to help you discover your area of interest, understand play in-depth and support you on your journey to becoming an expert in play.
Our online learning resources allow you to explore the play world at your own pace, no matter where you are in New Zealand. As you move through your learning journey, you’ll be able to ask questions, find answers, and talk online to your kaiako (teachers).
Play Aotearoa offers a broad range of courses based on solid academic foundations. Our online portal is easy to navigate, and all our online learners are supported by kaiako (teachers) throughout the programme. Become a member to access discounted rates across our online education offering.
— Hinengaro
Play Aotearoa enhances awareness about the essential nature of play in accordance with Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
— Hanga
We promote the need for outstanding practice at all levels of decision-making and encourage ethical behaviour and inclusions where children and play are involved.
— Kaupapa Here & Hurahura
We showcase the value of play through research and development of new information and best practices to enhance play for all tamariki and rangatahi throughout Aotearoa.